NoteZilla Help

Note Title

The note title helps you to quickly identify the right note without actually reading through its content. Also, if the note is rolled up or locked, title is the only way to identify the note.


Automatic Title

Automatic Title means that the first sentence of the note automatically becomes the title of the note. This is the default setting. This setting is useful if you do not want to decide on the title, every time you create a new note.

Setting Custom Title

To set your own title, press the F2 key from the note or right click on the note title and choose Edit Title from the menu.

Notes Browser: Custom Title can also be set from the Notes Browser, by selecting the note in the Tasks View and pressing the F2 key.



Title Formatting  Menu

Formatting the Title

We primarily deal with the Title Formatting Menu in order to format title & insert date & time inside the note title.

Go to the title edit mode by pressing the F2 key from the note. Now, right click inside the title edit box to bring up the Title Formatting Menu.

The Title Formatting Menu menu allows you to set the font, font size, font color and font style.

Inserting Date & Time inside the Title

From the Title Formatting Menu choose Copy/Paste->Date & Time to insert date & time inside the note title.

Changing from Custom to Automatic Title

After setting custom title if you want to revert back to automatic title, just choose Automatic from the Title Formatting Menu.